Sunday, 9 March 2008

A Little History

When I say "got clean" that is positive thinking.
I am not clean. I am a heroin addict and using every day.
With that out of the way I shall set the scene.

Like most I get up and go to work.
Like most I pay my taxes and bills on time.
Like most I have a loving family.
Appraised of the facts, a cursory glance at my life would show what is sometimes called a "high functioning addict".
Unlike most I'm single.
Unlike most I can't travel.
Unlike most I have no social life.

The people I work with must suspect something is amiss as you can't hide a gram a day habit. You can try.
I live in fear of the whole deceit collapsing around me.
I live in fear of my parents knowing the truth about their professionally successful son.

I'm forty in a few days and it's time to get clean.

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