Monday, 10 March 2008

The Plan

If I'm going to get clean I must have a plan.
So what's the plan?

Detox 5 is the plan.

They medicate you into a coma for three days and flush your system of opiates.
Three days gets you through the worst of the physical symptoms of heroin withdrawal.

This unfortunately, is the easy part. Any fool can get clean. The rest of your life is a long time to stay clean.

To this end Detox 5 gives you an opiate blocker which your health professional agrees to prescribe for a recommended twelve months.

Heroin is an analgesic. A pain killer. Physical and emotional. Heroin stops you feeling. No more tears and no more laughter.

When you stop taking heroin all those suppressed emotions explode uncontrollably.
You burst into tears watching the news.

I'm hoping Detox 5 will stop this happening.
As I was in a coma I won't remember the trauma of the withdrawal so perhaps I'll just come round feeling OK?
Unlikely but we'll find out soon.

I sent an email today asking for the Detox 5 referral form.

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